“Backlinks,” means sites that link to your site, are, for most search engines, the supreme ranking factor. It is about getting more organic traffic. Web traffic is directly related to the quality of the backlinks your website has. The more authoritative websites that link to you, means the better rankings and traffic you’ll get. In addition to that, of course, you want to keep an eye on your Google rankings to make your website easier to search.

how to build backlinks fast
Quality backlinks are hard to get, but they shouldn’t be. In fact, there are smart ways to build or earn backlinks, to get authoritative websites to link to your online business. Here few fast way to get it.
The broken-link building method
The broken-link building technique works perfectly to create one-way backlinks. The technique involves contacting a webmaster to report broken links on his/her website. At the same time, you suggest other websites replace that link, then it is your opportunity to offer your own website. Because you are doing the webmaster a favor by reporting the broken links, the chances of a backlink back to your website are high. So, to use the broken-link method, first find relevant websites in your niche that have resources pages. Find them by using these search queries in Google:
- your keyword + links
- your keywords + resources
- keywords inurl:links
Infographics are one of the most popular techniques for bringing traffic to your website and gaining valuable backlinks. They’re also great because they’re easy to understand and share. Everyone loves visual data and that’s why the demand for infographics has increased significantly. Think that influential online publications like Mashable publish numerous infographics from all over the Internet.
It is vital to choose your infographics carefully. Each one should include a unique and interesting story for your audience. To make your selection, follow currently trending topics and see what people are looking for, then create your infographic using statistical data.
There’s a misconception that creating an infographic is expensive; that’s not always the case. Figure on an average price between $150 and $300. Assuming you may earn 10 backlinks per infographic, you’ll be paying $15 per link. For five backlinks, the price will be $30 per link. That’s very cheap for backlinks earned through webmaster moderation. In addition to that, if your infographic goes viral then you win even more.
Guest articles
Guest blogging is the most effective way to reach new audiences. By publishing articles on other popular websites, you’ll get your content in front of new readers and win more exposure. Sometimes, it’s not just about the backlink, but about increasing your online reputation or your social media followers. Guest blogging helps you leverage your relationships and expand your audience. In case you have doubts about guest posting, consider that even Google accepts guest contributors on its Google Analytics blog.
Write testimonials
An easy method to earn quality backlinks is to write testimonials for websites you are using. You’ll spend only a few minutes, and you can earn a link from the homepage of an authoritative website. As long as you are a customer of that product, there’s a high possibility you can get a link in exchange for a testimonial.
You can earn backlinks by donating to nonprofit organizations. This method is quick and straightforward. All you have to do is find websites in your niche that accept donations and link back to sites that have donated. Simply submit the amount of the donation you want to make and write your website URL. Finding these websites requires some searches in Google. These are some queries that usually give good results:
- contributors page + donate + your keyword
- donation + contributors + your keyword
- contributors page + your keyword
Get interview and reach out for others
Online interviews are hot right now, and a great and easy way to earn backlinks to your website. Once you become the authority in your niche, you’ll get lots of interview invitations, but until then, to get started, you have to make the first step. Look for websites that are running interviews and tell them you would like to participate and what knowledge you can contribute.
Most people don’t tell you is how link building has completely changed in the post Penguin era. You can no longer write a bunch of spun articles with your backlinks and place them on sites and article directories that are completely irrelevant to your niche, and still, get rewarded by Google.
That doesn’t happen anymore. All links are not equal. The right links will get you promoted in search results. However, the wrong ones can get you penalised and even blacklisted by Google. So you need to be careful.