Many people feel stressed when they are in debt. There are many reasons why they signed for
a loan. One of them is the needs that are getting higher. If you are in debt, you have to pay it
back no matter what happens. For example, it can be difficult when you lose a job, getting an
accident, or the others. Same as you, I think hard about how to get rid my debt.
Being a debt can be a serious problem because it gives a bad impact on your life. You should
find the best way to get out of debt. Then, you will not worry about payment due date.
How to Get Rid My Debt Fast
You need to make a plan about how to tackle a debt to get the financial freedom. The
followings below are some tips to get rid of debt that will help you out.
1. No borrowing more money
When you are in debt, and then you look for the solution on the internet, you will find
some websites offering to solve your problems. Unfortunately, it is not the really good
solution for you because it comes from the commercial companies that will get
income from you. The offering solutions are like secured loans, consolidation loans,
individual voluntary arrangements, and debt management plans. If you choose one of
them, you should cost money for the organization.
If you choose the service, you should pay more money. It will make you get the
situation worse for long period. So, the real solution to get rid of your debt is never
borrowing more money. Yes, you must stop to owe money.
2. Find out how much you owe
It is important for you to figure out where your debt stands. Besides, analyze how
much money you need to pay the debt. The best one way you can do is calculating the
loan to income ratio. Then, you are able to get a clear picture of your debt. You will
focus to pay off it.
3. Draw up a budget
You should make a plan about how much money you use for your daily need. To be
able to pay the debt, you should cut the expense. However, you can't do it for the
basic need. You will be careful about how you spend money.
Another way, you can earn extra cash in some ways. For example, you can make
more sales if you work in a commission-based job. Then, if you are in a salary job,
you should pick up a second job. This way can help you get rid of debt fast.
4. Organize your debts
How to get rid my debt is organizing debts. You can do as I do. Plan to pay off your
debt both the small and the large amounts. You have to choose one of them to reduce
your burden. However, choosing to pay off the small one is not the wisest thing to do.
Make a target to pay off the big amounts because of the interest rate higher. Besides,
the large amounts give you the serious consequences if you can’t pay them. You can
lose the house, a car, your assets, even going to jail.
5. Make a Financial Statement
To pay off the debt, you can negotiate settlements with creditors. You can do it by
showing them your financial statement. It is the information about how much money
you have. You also can show them about what you can afford to pay. For that, you
should make the financial statement first in the detailed list. It is about the income in a
month and all the things you need to spend every month.
How To Get Rid Of My Debt On Credit Card Easily
Are you looking for a way to get rid of your credit card? Let’s discuss it together. I will share
the great tips on how to get rid of my debt. So, you can do the things same with me. Be
relaxed to face this problem. You are not alone. There are millions of people have the same
problem with you. They have the credit card debts and try to find out the best way to come
out their debts. Finally, they are able to have a free life without debt. You can solve your
credit card debt problem if you work hard. Do some tips below to be able to achieve what
you want.
1. List your owes
Collect your credit card report, list all the balances, and interest rates for each.
2. Free up your cash
Create your budget and focus put more cash towards debt repayment.
3. Stop the bleeding
The next how to get rid my debt is to stop using your credit card and move to cash-
only. Move some of your high-interest credit-card balances in lower interest rate card.
4. Choose your method
Here, you only need to determine which debt you want to pay off first. Is it the large
debt or the small one?
5. Ask for help when you need it
You can ask for help to the reputable debt counseling agencies. Even though, use this
way to get rid of debt at the time you really need it. The agents are usually able to
work with your creditors and consolidate your debt. Besides, they assist you to
manage your finances better.
6. Commend yourself
Control debt under though is not easy. You can start spending money to interest
10 Mistakes on How To Get Rid Of My Debt
Searching the way to get rid of debt is very easy. However, finding the most effective way
still becomes a difficult way for many people. Even, they take the wrong one so it doesn't
work. People also often make some mistakes about the way to get rid of debt. These are 10
mistakes that people often do:
1. Same shopping habit
The first mistake to come out of debt is the habit of shopping. Those are such eating
out, buying unimportant things, and so forth. Although you repay your debt regularly,
it keeps not a good habit. It will be better if you have dinner at home and shop the
things only you need to save money.
2. Like to debt
Many people borrow some money into creditor; however, they don't think to repay the
debt at the earlier. So, they are often stressful when the payment due date comes. As
the last way, they make the fresh loan to repay the debt.
3. Looking for a debt assistance program
Well, this third mistake of the way to get rid of debt is when you enroll in a debt
assistance program. Unluckily, you do it without figure out what you expect. So,
before borrowing some money, you should know the true debt reduction program that
you take. The company you choose must be able to relieve debt. In addition, the
company has an official license and does not have a record of consumer complaints.
4. Never make a practical budget
It is a fatal mistake when you do not make a practical budget to earn you and your
family. You might feel shocked receiving the high invoice because you never make
the real budget. Do you capable to hold it?
5. Pay off all the debt at once
Apparently, trying to pay off all the debts is not as good as the way to get rid of debt.
It only makes you bankrupt and slumped. It will be better if you reduce your bad habit
of spending your money on unimportant transactions. Besides, you also can add your
6. Close account
Closing the account when paid is the mistake that the people often do. It will disturb
the credit card rate system. So, don’t do it.
7. Quit the retirement account
Spending money to pay off the debt of the day is an expensive mistake. You will get
nothing unless you start setting aside some for retirement savings. Do it at least 5% –
10% of your income.
8. Uncreating an emergency fund
Having an emergency fund becomes one of the ways to get of debt. This way will be
helpful. Unluckily, many people forget to do it and eventually they cannot close their
debt. Then, the debt collector or the credit card company must take the guarantee that
they use.
9. Not verify your correct credit card report
Do not regard it as the unimportant thing when you do not verify your credit card
report. You need to do it to match the report between in you and in the company. Who
knows they make a bit mistake about it. If you underestimate it, you will bear the
10. You do not prioritize your debt
The last mistake on how to get rid of debt has never prioritized the debt. You do not
use your money to pay the debt prior but you use it to others. Do you ever conduct it?
There are many things you need to consider before deciding to borrow some money. Indeed
there are benefits that you can take from this method. However, there are many risks that are
ready to attack you when you make a mistake when paying. You might lose everything in the
world or end to jail. Nonetheless, do not worry to do it if you really need to debt. The most
important thing you can use the money for something absolutely you need. You are also sure
able to repay it later.
10 Risks of Debt You May Get
There are 10 risks of debts such as the followings below:
1. Burdensome mentally
Many people get stress due to debt and become to eat, stress due to debt and become
lazy to eat, have trouble sleeping, and get sick. Sometimes, you also can't do more
planning because you have to use your salary to make installments.
2. Life cannot develop
Debt can indeed be the best solution when you want to start a business but you don’t
have enough capital. However, this method can also backfire for your future when
your dependents are too high. This situation cause you fail to pay the installments or
pay off the debt.
3. Making you pessimistic
There are people who are embarrassed if they have to start a business from debt.
There are also those who are afraid of not being able to make installments or fear that
others will exclude them. Those thoughts make you pessimistic about starting
4. Life is not calm
Debt makes your life uneasy because you always have to think about installments.
How do you repay or pay it off? These thoughts will always appear every day,
especially when approaching payment due date.
5. No purpose
When you are in debt, you cannot think of anything else. One you think is about how
you can repay or pay off debt. Thus, you cannot use your money for other purposes.
6. More debt
Many people have problems in paying off debts. As a result, they were forced to look
for other loans that made them have more debt.
7. Having bad finance
When you are in large debt, the situation of your finance will be bad. You may not be
able to fulfill your own basic needs. You can even lose everything you have like a
house, a vehicle, and other important assets if can’t pay the debts.
8. Can’t manage the finance
The greater the value of your debt, it will be more difficult for you to manage your
finance. This is very bad for your future.
9. Become the extra funds
This assumption is clearly wrong because debt will only have an adverse effect on
oneself. You must be careful to this mind.
10. Adding problems
Debt only resolves problems in the meantime. Furthermore, this will add to the
problem because you have to think about installments and other risks that you must
So, do not rely on debt and make it as your life saver. The debt is just a trap which makes you
suffer more.
Escaping from the debt is not easy so you should be always sure that you can do. Use those 5
tricks to get rid of debt to ease your purpose. Add the other tips if you feel those
recommendations are not enough. Then, find out some tricks to run the live healthier without
the debt. Share the above information to people who want to get out from their debt. Also,
lead them to run the steps properly. Let’s do and good luck!