Financial is one of the most important things in everyday life because almost all the needs we need every day need money. Many people are aware that they have to manage their finances as well as possible. Even though there are so many people who want to manage their own finances well, in fact, they don’t always do it well. Therefore, why many people need financial management services. Why do they want to use financial regulator services? Because they are the ones who understand better and are already experts in managing people’s finances and economics. Because these services are sought after by many modern people, this time we will share important information with you about how to become a financial planner. How to? Check out the review below!
What do financial planners do?
A financial planner is one of the jobs that are currently on the rise and much sought after by people. Then what are the actual jobs of the financial planner? So that for those of you who want to become a financial planner but are still confused about what their duties are, this time we will describe them in detail. Here are some of the tasks or work done by the financial planner: –
- Helping someone make decisions regarding their financial management
As a financial planner, of course, there are many tasks that you must do. One of the main tasks that you must do as a financial planner is to help an individual make a wise decision to help manage their personal finances. The task of a financial planner is to assess one’s financial position. In addition to assessing, they will also try to understand the goals and needs of their clients. They will make various solutions or solutions that can help their clients to achieve the financial goals they want. Financial planners are engaged in different fields, some are engaged in tax law, some are engaged in pensions, and also public services.
- Help to manage company finances
Not only help with personal finance problems, but there is also a financial planner that is used to help manage the company’s finances. Many financial planners help to manage finances, investments, and also shares of the company. So besides being able to work for individuals, there are several financial planners who work for companies. Whether it’s a small company or even a large company. So the job of a financial planner is wide enough, you can work wherever you want.
- Need to understand some financial goals
As a financial planner, there are several things that must be considered, one of the most important things that a financial planner needs to pay attention to is that they need to understand and understand some financial goals so that when completing the task they can do it well. The thing that needs to be well known is that they need to understand their client’s short-term and long-term financial goals. Before being able to complete the task or job from the client, they must first know what financial goals their client wants to achieve. Whether it’s short-term goals or maybe their long-term financial goals.
- Explain and recommend investments
One of the things that can increase profits is by following an investment. By investing, the assets of a person can increase. Now, this is also one of the tasks of a financial planner that they must be able to explain to their clients about investment. In addition to being able to explain to clients what types of investments, a financial planner must also be able to recommend to their clients what type of investment is suitable for them and which generates substantial profits.
- Help to explain about insurance
In addition to helping to recommend the investment. Another thing that is the task of a financial planner is that they also help the client to understand clearly about insurance. A financial planner must help their client to understand what insurance is. In addition, a financial planner will also decide what type and level of insurance are required by their client.
- Set client tax
The next thing that is done by a financial planner besides some of the things we mentioned above is helping to regulate the client tax. Someone financial planner must help and also ensure if the tax form and other documents the client complies with the rules and no one violates.
Those are some of the tasks that must be performed by the financial planner for several clients. For those of you who want to become a financial planner, we recommend that you understand some of these things before deciding to become a financial planner.
Steps to becoming a financial planner
After knowing what are the tasks of a financial planner, this time we will explain to you some important information about what steps are needed to become a financial planner. Here are some ways you can do so you can become a professional financial planner:
- Get a degree
One of the things that must be considered to be a financial planner is to get a degree. If you want to become a financial planner, you need a college degree so you can have a career. To get a bachelor’s degree, you can embrace finance, business, economics, statistics, and other similar fields. In addition, there are broad-based or generalist financial planners, some are engaged in more specific fields such as taxes, pensions, housing planning, insurance, and risk management. You can major in accordance with the financial planner profession you want in the future.
Getting a degree is very important because many large companies and also high-end clients are looking for financial planners to help them continue their education at the postgraduate level. Especially if they continue in the economic field. So for those of you who want to become a professional financial planner, you must have a degree. If you want to get a higher degree then you can continue your graduate education and get a higher degree.
- Serving as an intern
The second step beside getting a bachelor’s degree is to serve as an intern. In addition to learning about theory in lectures to become a financial planner. You, of course, have to take part in an internship, because by taking an internship you can gain experience in becoming a financial planner. For those of you who are still at the student level, it is very important to take part in an internship because by taking an internship you can get a lot of experience besides that you can do an internship at the company. Starting from financial companies, or other companies that provide special training opportunities for students who want to practice what they have learned so far. Usually, there will also be mentors who guide interns, they will get insights and instructions for working in the field. After becoming an intern, you will be more experienced and ready to become a financial planner.
- Get various certificates
To become a financial planner, you need a lot of struggle. In addition to the 2 things or steps that we mentioned above. Another thing you must pay attention to in order to become a reliable financial planner is to get a certificate. Now, there are many types of certifications that are useful for financial planners. Usually, in order to get the certificate, we are required to have work experience as a financial planner for approximately 3 years. Then how do you get a certificate so you can increase your credibility as a financial planner? The first way is by taking courses, continuing education, and also by taking certain examinations. There are several certificates that you might be able to adapt as a financial planner.
Like the famous certificate from the National Association of Personal Financial Advisors (NAPFA). Such certificates are like Certified Financial Planners (CFP), Personal Financial Specialists (PFS), Characterized Financial Consultants (ChFC), and Charactered Financial Analysts (CFA).
Besides getting a certificate, there are several financial planners who also need a license. Indeed not all fields need a license, but there are certain fields that require special licenses so that they can carry out their work. An example is the financial planner engaged in insurance so that their insurance can be marketed so they need a license in their country so that they are recognized as an accredited financial planner. So for those of you who want to focus on the insurance field, then you have to get a license. In order to obtain a license, you must register a Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) license as a registered investment financial.
- Find jobs of all levels
After getting a degree and license, you can finally become a financial planner. To start your work as a financial planner, we recommend that you start looking for work from all levels. We recommend that you start looking for work in all types of media, such as the job vacancies that are spread out in your school, as well as jobs that are found on social media. You must be smart to find work in companies so that when there is a chance you can immediately register.
In addition, we also recommend that you start making and also writing your own resume and make a good cover letter. To convince the company where you are applying for, or to convince your client, we recommend that you make the CV as good and interesting as possible. Don’t forget to enter your details and include the title or license you already have. Also if you also have several awards related to the financial planner, you must include them too. We recommend looking for work from all levels and try to register or apply for as many jobs as possible. That is possible so you can get a lot of back-ups if for example some companies or clients reject you.
- Each education again
In the field of finance, there are always things that need to be learned. Because as we know if the law and financial strategy always change every time, and also a financial planner must follow the trends or developments of the time. To become a professional financial planner you need certain certifications and to be able to get certain certifications you have to go to advanced education. For example, continuing your education to a master’s degree in finance, we recommend that you go to graduate school so you can get a master’s degree in finance or often called an MSF or MBA degree. So that you become a professional financial planner and can provide a competitive advantage. If you have an MBA or MSF that we have mentioned above, then many clients or large companies are increasingly trusting in the services you offer.
- Serving clients with a professional and friendly manner
Besides having high education, various certificates, and licenses. Another thing you have to do as a financial planner is to have good ethics. If you have no ethics, it is impossible for your career as a financial planner to work well. Therefore we recommend that you serve clients well and professionally, don’t mix personal matters with your work. Work well and professionally in helping your client’s finances. In addition, friendly attitude is also very necessary, you must be able to communicate in two directions with clients, know what they want, and understand their goals in the financial field. Serve the client well and friendly, so that the client feels comfortable working with you and may work with you for a long time. So attitude is one of the most important things and you should pay close attention.
That was some information that we can tell you about how to become a financial planner. The main thing to be able to become a financial planner is of course by taking education in finance or economics to get a degree, besides that, you also have to have a certificate and license so that the company and the client can trust you as a professional financial planner. Ethics, as well as friendly attitude, are very important in working, so clients can be comfortable working with you and may be able to recommend you to other clients. Hopefully, you are always successful and your job as a financial planner is going well. Hopefully, the articles we share are useful and useful for all of you who want to become a financial planner!