If you want more people to visit your website, consider increasing the traffic. Traffic is the primary prerequisite. How to make a decent amount of traffic to your website? Here how to grow the website traffic.

Publishing fresh content more frequent
Establishing a blog or website and continue to supply it with 2-3 days fresh articles might grow the traffic, however, it is wise to be more selective and thoughtful in creating content. Not only it is relevant and useful, create content that can serve as link bait and put actionable action. Content that put forward something new normally doesn’t perform well. How to improve the current effort? If website or blog already created, at least add 3 posts/week. To attract natural backlinks create some new link bait pages. Titles that is interesting will attract the audience. For example instead of writing ‘Big internet traffic strategies’, use the ‘Big internet traffic secrets every website owner should know’. It is wise to plan the content before writing one in advance, think about the list of the content from the user point of view and present some actionable advice. Having proper plans and relatable and actionable content for users surely will increase the traffic of the website.
Analysing competitor and researching competition’s keywords
The strategy aims to provide and analyse for better content that your website can provide. By finding the competitors’ best ranking and learning the keywords, then create even better pages using those keywords. Picking and analysing competitors based on the keywords is the first step. The more competitors, the more options for you to consider to add to the website. This step can be done by utilising SEMrush tool. This tool helps to track which keywords are relevant and important to your website. Examining keywords that sending traffic to the competitor’s website and checking whether your website ranks selected those keywords are next thing to do. Next, is improving the existing the page content or create new that is relevant. As the alternative to SEM rush, you can use WebSignals which assists in tracking organic keywords on which your competitors are ranking and it is free. Another tool that you can use is Rank Watch to perform the thorough analysis of your online competitors. RankWatch provides a hidden opportunity section in the dashboard that displays keywords on which your website is already ranking and a little bit of effort on those keywords can give you high rankings and traffic.
Boosting presence on social media
Social media is a powerful tool for a potential traffic. Social media offer biggest benefits traffic that if it is run properly, it might generate a lot of conversions. Thus having the presence to the social media like Facebook, GooglePlus, Linkedin and twitter which are visited by millions of people on the daily basis, you can easily gain traffic from here. Choose social media that is relevant to your website theme, for example, if it is professional then pick Linkedin. Increasing number of followers is essential, and also increases the engagement too. Overpromote is not advisable, instead of using special occasions and festivals to deliver the message. Lastly, be consistent in social media that you have chosen and the traffic will come eventually.
Obtaining backlink from trusted seed sources
Trusted seed sites are those sites that are trusted by Google the most. This means a backlink from such sites can increase your ranking and ultimately traffic. One major example of such a site is Wikipedia. Earning something is more difficult that creating or buying something. This is why “earned backlinks” are “natural backlinks” and those have a lot of value in the eyes of Google. Many sites experience the high jump in their traffic because of this. This seems difficult to do, and this is still possible.