Diversification means that different things apply to different people. So many investors consider any kind of split across bonds and stocks as the proper level of diversification only in a single portfolio, but unfortunately holding these two popular investments is not enough. To significantly protect and reduce risk against unexpected market swings, investors should try […]
The Collapse of Lehman Brothers
On September 15, ten years ago, legendary investment bank’s bankruptcy caused panic in The United States and The United Kingdom. With $619 billion in debt and $639 billion in assets, the Collapse of Lehman Brothers was the largest in history, as its assets far surpassed those of previous bankrupt giants such as Worldcom and Enron. […]
Is Binary Option A Good Investment?
Talking about the binary as an investment its look like we have to understand more about the new investment in using the binary number as today most developed number and use in cyberspace to buy or get something. You might all know what a binary number is a number of codes consisting only with 0 […]
The Rising Popularity of Cryptocurrency; What Future It Will Bring Us
You were at the cashier of a grocery store after work. It was a hard day and you were exhausted. So when the cashier was done with your groceries, you intended to leave fast. But when you opened your wallet, you realized you didn’t have enough cash and needed to divvy up the bills among […]
How to Make Money as College Student
Life on campus is not as easy as it may appear. Pressure from parents, stressful classes, and social anxieties all contribute to the struggle that college student can endure. At the same time, some of all those strains lies the overwhelming weight of student loan debt. This has had an immense impact on college life. […]
Small Investment Ideas
There is a misunderstanding that to do investment you have to have a lot of money. This is not always true. Herewith some ideas to do investment in a low-cost manner. For our purposes here we are going to define small amounts of money as something more than $100, but not more than $1,000. Based […]
Investment Bank Career
Investment bankers commonly start their careers at the analyst level and, with experience and additional education, advance into associate positions. This is the case when you have an undergraduate and applying to banks with the aim of landing an investment banking analyst position. Some banks offer direct promotions from analyst to associate instead of requiring […]
Working at Investment Bank
An investment bank is a financial institution that offers a range of services from financial advisory, underwriting, trading, research, raising capital, issuance of shares and bonds, to the advisory on mergers and acquisitions. They are typically involved where a large amount of money moving happens. As lots of money involved, typically the clients of investment […]
Risk Management Tools
Risk analysis and management tools serve multiple purposes and come in numerous shapes and sizes. Some risk analysis and management tools include those used for many purposes. Some of the purposes are. Program Risk Management. It focuses on identifying, analyzing, prioritizing, and managing risks to eliminate or minimize their impact on a program’s objectives and […]
Risk Management in Bank
Banking is concerned with the necessity of making several kinds of risks and of course, risk management is a fundamental part of the credit institution’s control system. The risk management process includes a order of operations to identify risks, their quantitative evaluation, analysis, control and formation of a feedback (reporting) system. The risks to which […]
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