In term of a loan, there are two options of loan can be taken for business, long-term funding like LAP (Loan against property) or to go for flexible funding like Cash Credit (CC) or Overdraft (OD) that operates in the shorter period of time. The flexible fund is gaining popularity because flexible funding gives the […]
The Best Ways to Start to Rebuild Credit Score after a Bankruptcy
Any business or individual who has to file for bankruptcy will definitely go to see a negative impact on their credit score. The reason is that the lenders rely on the credit score as one of the consideration for approval in loan and credit at any interest rate. The credit score normally ranges from 300 […]
Five Cs of Credit: Method for Evaluating Potential Borrowers
Financial institutions such as banks that provide loans and credits normally asked both individual and business borrowers to provide information related to their credit history, income and debt when applying for credit. They use the Five Cs system to evaluate the potential borrowers. The financial institutions as lenders, in particular, are eager to research and […]
What’s the Best Way to Finance a Car?
Desperately need a car? Buying a car is no simple decision. From buying outright to buying a car on finance, there are many options. You also have to consider running costs. In fact, it’s probably the second most expensive thing after a home. In addition to that, car value is depreciated like crazy over the […]
Credit Cards and Debit Cards: What are the Differences?
Both cards we used them in the daily basis and offer convenience in term of payment. The primary difference between a debit card and a credit card account is where the cards draw the money. A debit card takes it from banking account and a credit card charges it to the line of credit. Before going […]
Are Mortgage Rates Negotiable?
The direct answer to that is mortgage rates are always negotiable. The secret for negotiable mortgage rate is just a matter of convincing the bank, broker, or lender to take less commission. If you have a profile as a strong borrower, it means you have got good credit, plenty of assets, and the ability to […]
Fixed or Variable Rate Loan: Which One is Better?
Whenever taking loan, either house loan, student loan or any kind of loan, at least the term of fixed and variable loan often occur in the discussion. What are they? What the best among the two? Before going further, let us explore both terms. In fixed and variable rate loan, the difference is in the […]
Bonds: What are They?
Bonds are loans made to large organisations and these include corporations, cities, and national governments. Bonds are made by these organisations to raise money. Buying bonds mean giving the issuer a loan. The issuer agrees to pay back the face value on a specific date and pay periodically the interest payment along the way. […]
Tips for using credit cards
Credit card is a card that used to purchase something until it reach the maximum limits provided by its provider. Usually A provider offer a payment methods to its customer then a customer pay the bills in installment and interest. The longer installment made up the higher interest will come. Credit card can be very […]