Selling a house or property that we have is not easy, selling property or buildings is not east as turning the palm of the hand. Selling property that your own is alsi not as easy as selling small items such as bags and shoes, it takes a lot of consideration to think about before you […]
How to Start Investment In property
Today I would like to give you another small research which I am doing myself to learn about basic information to start an investment in property. Starting from the zero point I must say because I do have no experience in the investment business, for more in something like property. Let’s start with, the meaning […]
How to Value a Property
When buying a home, it’s good to know how to accurately estimate the value of the properties you’re interested in. It also applies when you intend to sell the house, having the price correctly will help to sell the house at the appropriate and win-win price. However, setting an unrealistic price will deter buyers. The […]
Diversification: A Way to Reduce Risk in Investing
The simplest way to boost your investment returns while reducing risk is diversification. You may think that it is an impossible investing goal, but it’s actually a simple yet important, especially if you are new and aim for becoming passive investors. Diversification means owning a range of assets across a variety of industries, company sizes […]
How To Become a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA)
In order to become a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA), you need to have the right skill set and knowledge. There are many programs and one of them that is well known and recognize is the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Program. It is a professional credential offered internationally by the American-based CFA Institute (previously the Association […]
Making Money by Flipping Houses
House flipping is buying a house or property with the intent to sell it for a profit. Can you make money doing this? Yes. Can you make a lot of money doing this? Yes. But you can also lose everything you own if you make a bad decision. Here are the major areas of flipping […]
Amortization vs Depreciation: What’s the Difference?
In order to save money, the corporate accountants use a variety of techniques, including depreciation and amortization. Both constitute methods of accumulating tax write-offs for items that a company owns for the duration of their useful life span. These terms may appear to mean the same thing, however it differs from in term of the […]
Are Mortgage Rates Negotiable?
The direct answer to that is mortgage rates are always negotiable. The secret for negotiable mortgage rate is just a matter of convincing the bank, broker, or lender to take less commission. If you have a profile as a strong borrower, it means you have got good credit, plenty of assets, and the ability to […]
What are Subprime Mortgages?
A subprime mortgage is a type of loan arranged for the individuals with poor credit histories with low credit rating. This loan is purposefully and normally issued by a lending institution for borrowers that cannot afford the conventional mortgage. The lending institution is often charged higher fees in a various way such as through higher […]