Might not be the best resolution for an apartment home – buddy but it does substantially for anyone who uses the rooftop ceiling. To design and arrange the roof could be one of the most intriguing decisions in our life. Well, might be not that crucial but the roof, is some part of the house that really need a good decision making to make you more comfortable in your own house. Today we are going to take a discussion? Or maybe some advice I could give you to see what could roof cost you any bill more than what you are expecting to be.
Coming from the roof – pedia, a website about roof seller, maintains and manufacture, we are going to try looking for a better conclusion about buying a new rooftop or to maintain the old one. Which one is better and why it does. Or how can you get a better guide to see the problem in your ceiling?.
First of all, if you are looking for something like how much it cost to buy a new roof or to maintain the old – already used one roof in your home, then it is the right decision to read these paragraphs below.
- Tell, How Big Your Roof Is
Buying the new roof couldn’t even manage to serve you a better one. If you are not even aware of your own roof size, then buying the new one would be wasteful. Predicting the cost of buying and organize the roof needs the dimension of your ceiling. The dimension size is in a square as the scale area. A square approximately equals to 100 square feet.
Turn out that average home is about 30 square or 3000 square feet. But only determining the ceiling is also not quite enough. Somehow, you also need to calculate the size of your home base. Find the length and width with a tape measure. Might be easier for regular shapes house such as a rectangle or so on, but if your home is designed to have a complicated shaping roof, you can be divided the shape onto part of the regular shape. Find the size of the square area and then add them together into one before trying to find the pitch.
Roof pitch is the angle of a roof that calculated by some diagram ratio. The steeper the roof could cost you more than the one with less steep roof angle pitch. For a regular house, it took 6 – 12 pitch angle that means the roof is rise 6 inches for every 12 inches in the horizontal axis. For the roof that originally larger or higher than 8 – 12 is considered as a very steep roof, that will cost you more than the lower pitch.
To measure the pitch of your roof you can use the rafter length, run, and rise. By using cosines and sinus theorem you might calculate the exact number of your roof pitch. The Picture below shows you the meaning of the rafter, run, and riser.

Source: https://www.omnicalculator.com/construction/roof-pitch
- Calculate Your Shingles Roof Need
Estimate the size and the number of bundles roof that need to be replaced. The average 30 square home needs approximately more than 30 square shingles to even considering the waste. The waste itself is coming from over and underestimate amount of the roof. By alleviating the percentage of the material by 10% will save you a better cost than precise your roof need by exactly the calculation number of the replaced roof.
For example, if your ceiling, probably 30 square roof is officially by adding the waste you need at least 40 square of shingles to buy. Don’t be too much disappointed by wasting the shingles because it can be made or recycled into something usable.
Considering the best ridge and starter shingles number is also playing significant roles in building a better ceiling. Finding the ridge that must always have higher quality than the other roof part is proving that ridge does wear out faster than the rest.
The price of shingles cost for one square 30 years approximately architectural life is about 78 dollars without tax. Only one square of 3 tab shingles cost you about 65 dollars. Therefore, using simple mathematics theory we may conclude that the shingles for an architectural roof for replacement will cost you about 3,120 dollars. Such a fantastic number for only a replacement.
- Underlayment and Other Materials Need
The roof is not only based on shingles but also any other underlayment behind such as ice and water shield valleys. There are two types of ice and water shield that commonly used in general, they are 15 lb and 30 lb felt that cost you another 20 dollars for each roll. The 15 lb ice and water shield is compatible with 4 squares for each roll and the 30 lb will be a perfect match for 2 squares.
Professional advice coming from the expert roofer saying that, buying a proper underlying for asphalt saturated felt paper to only one true for 30 lb UL.
For a certain 30 square roof, you might choose between 15 lb felt for about 160 dollars or using the 30 lb felt that cost you another 320 dollars. Ice and water shield underlayment will be your roof’s extra protection and for the average roof needs, it is approximately using 2 rolls of ice and water shield underlayment which each roll cost you about 50 dollars.
Another addition in your healthy matching design roof vents, for the ridge vents in every 4 section of the house is about 10 dollars for each section. Calculate the needs of a regular number of vents in your home might cost you for about 150 dollars.
- Tearing Off Cost
Some calculation about dimension and size of your house and how much materials you will need, we are going to put that on the back and moving forward to see another step in completing guide for a new roof cost. It is time for tearing off your old version roof.
Choosing the right company for this project might be the best choice to keep you unbroken. The cost always depends on the company you hire to complete the task. Carefully choosing by bund acknowledges the amount price of roof maintain in the market and know the levels. Don’t be too blunt with either knowing anything for the basic price in roofs tearing to prevent you from getting any disappointment.
The average price of roofs tearing project is about 1,000 dollars with be existing material provided. Use this scale to see any matching company for your needs.
- Labor Cost
Turn out to be one of the most important costs you might have to reconsider. Doing replacement by only you and your friends might be the best values in saving your money but also to have some fun but, it really is rear, almost no one in this day is still enough to give you a replacement labor with free cost and amazing result. If the things go wrong, it might cost you another cast to repair the fault on you an your friends doing.
Well, let’s take it more seriously by hiring the perfect labor in replacing your roof. It is not easy to find and the workers are not unskillful labor. They are trained and expensive I must say. But it is quite worth with the result itself. So don’t be picky and use professionals to fixing your roof.
Try to find a good local company without the overhead and surely they are going to give you a good deal. The average companies for roof replacement charge you about 50 dollars for each square installation. It varies for each company. Choosing local companies not only give you a better transportation fee but also will charge you less than the big company does. It is because local companies give you the local fee and not trying to compete with other company like the big one does.
For the average 30 squares, home will cost you approximately 1,500 dollars for the labor cost. Specify your needs and allowance and trying to find the best company for your roof’s replacement project.
- Total Cost
Finally, we are going to calculate every point we have discussed into one single bill that you need to pay for a rental or replacement of your roof. Considering only the cost of materials you will need much around 6,190 dollars without any other fees like workers, dumpster, taxes, and adding the additional materials. Submit all of the other additional factors including workers transportations fees, taxes and so on, we may conclude that the average price of roof replacement is somewhere around 8,000 to 14,000 dollars for normal average home size. Well, this cost only gives you a better minimum and maximum range fee you might have to spend for a better roof ceiling.
- New Roof Installation vs. Repair, Which one is Better?
The leaking roof doesn’t mean you have to rearrange all the aspect in your ceiling and building something new, you might only have to repair the broken one and continue with the same roof installation, it only needs to repair and doesn’t need to buy a new one. Or maybe, the roof is working properly only some part needs to be repaired or buying the new one. Such as when the ice and water shield is broken, you don’t have to buy the whole renovation in your roof. It cost you more than only trying to repair it by minimum maintained services.
I must say that distinguish your roof problems and the best way to solve it is the best measurement you can use to determine whether you need a new roof or you just need to repair your old roof. So, how do you know whether it is the perfect time to buy the new one? Here are some situations where you should replace your roof though, there are:
- When the roof is near the end of its service life
Every part of the roof has its own service life, it is much more likely to determine the service life by dividing them into their common parts such as shingles to the ridge and ice or water shield. The average service life of the regular roof is about 20 to 25 years. Basic information to prepare to buy a new one when your roof is nearing its maximum service life.
- When There are Extensive Leaking
Leaking might be the biggest problems in maintaining your roof. It is not as worst as you think when the leaking is only in small amount. But when it comes to a massive leaking where your home is showered not only one place leaking but distributed almost in every part of your home, you might have to reconsider in buying the new roof.
- When You Want to Improve Your Home’s Appeal
When it comes to improvement and the appearance of your home, you might don’t have any choice better than buying the new one. Trying to stay using the same design without any change in your home building base, because you might have to build a new home rather than only the roof when you have to changes your base design only to make a perfect match with your new roof.
Another advice for you to stay using the same roof without buying any new installation but only do the repairmen for the case below, such as:
- Missing Shingles – provide backups shingles to prepare for missing or loose shingles. By gently pry up the overlapping shingles then nail it down to take over the problems.
- Dripping Ceiling – better to keep watching whether there is mold or warping or breaking in your ceiling to put simple act that has to be done. If there is no mold or warping or breaking, you don’t have to buy a new roof. Just trying to manually fix it.
- Sagging gutters
- damaged Soffits
- Flashing