Neobux is a reputable paid to click (PTC) website, means that it pays people to read ads. Neobux is well known for its guarantee in term of payment, since 2008. Say if you joined the same day and you get lots of money from clicking the ads, you will get the money at the same day, through Paypal or Payza. As already known that Neobux pays for $0,001 for one single click. So, it must take a long time to get quite an amount of money. In fact, it is going to take a lot of time juts to make even first $1. In this kind of job, what needed is patience.
There is a strategy to make money faster in Neobux. First and most important step to achieving this, sign up in Neobux and creating username and password. Automatically, the standard member is given for the new members and it is free to join. A standard member is given maximum 24 ads to click each day. A standard member cannot click more than that number. For clicking each as the standard member will get $0,001 per click means it pays maximum for $0,024 per day. This will apply for next days if the member stays in the standard member. In addition, in order to get the first 1$, the standard member needs to read and to click 24 ads/day for at least good 42 days!
How to make the process faster? Especially if there are target money that wants to be achieved, for example at least 20$ a day. The strategy that can be used is utilising referrals. Referrals are people who also want to make money with Neobux. These referrals are going to click on your behalf and you will earn money whenever they click ads. So the logic is quite easy, the more referrals, the money generated, thus in order to get higher chances of getting more money, the member need to acquire referrals each day. There are two kinds of referrals, direct and rented referrals.
Direct referrals
Direct referrals are the referrals that acquired by the member itself. There are different ways to get direct referrals for any PTC site including Neobux. However, this requires expertise, if not the referrals that you might get in the number of few dozens or 1-2 hundreds of referrals. Say we have, 300 direct referrals, it still not covered the amount of money that we aim. Thus, another option that we examine is by using rented referrals. Neobux has provided any standard member to use the system to get hundreds or thousands of referrals and it is called rented referrals.
Rented referrals
As mentioned above rented referrals are provided by Neobux. As it is rented, thus it is not free and if you aim to make a $600+a month, this strategy is needed. The member need to pay the amount of money and one referral can be rented for $0,20 for 30 days and it needs to be renewed after 30 days. Neobux offered the rented referral in the package, for example, the minimum number rented referral of 3 for $0.6 per month, 5 for $1 per month and up to 20 for $100 per month.
How to start with $0? The basic strategy is by using the money that we clicked from standard member to rent the rented referrals. The general approached of this strategy are as follows. Keep continuing to click 24 ads daily with $0.001 per click as regulated by Neobux until it reaches $0.6 so that you can buy the pack of 3 rented referrals. In general it will take 25 days to reach $0.6 (24 (ads)x $0.001×25 days = $0.6). By this, you do not need to spend any money from your pocket. This strategy can be further upgraded by keep clicking with the rented referrals that you already have and use the money acquired to rent more referrals. Probably you wonder how much time needed to click 24 ads? It not more than 10 minutes.
With this start, each of your rented referrals gets to click 4 orange ads and each ad fetches $0.005. Thus, the money you make is $0.06 per day ((3 rented referrals) x 4 (ads) x $0,005 (each click) = $0.06 per day). With the waiting period of 10 days, it reaches $0.6. You can see the difference, by using rented referrals you made first $0.6 in 10 days, rather than without rented referrals which require 25 days. Next, is buying another 3 rented referrals with $0.6 and so on. A complete calculation of utilising the rented referrals is here.
One thing that you have to remember is that not all rented referrals click on ads. It is worth to know that only 50% of the referrals will click ads and the remaining will sit idle. In fact, it will take more than 300 referrals to earn $6 per day (at least 600 referrals) to achieve the number.
Thus, you need to prepare yourself mentally for a long overhaul, and lots of patience is needed to earn first $0.6 in 25 days. It will take 6 to 7 months or even more reach $6 per month. This requires a long mental endurance. But if you manage it, it will be worthwhile in the long run.