Do you have personal financial problems? Or maybe your company is also experiencing financial problems too? You may feel that your finances can’t got better, or maybe you give up on business problems are getting more complicated. Don’t worry because now, you can use a financial advisor service!
The task of a financial advisor is to help the client whether it is a personal finance problem, a company, or even government institutions to achieve long-term financial goals and help to resolve some financial problems. In addition, financial advisor also useful to provide detailed knowledge about the importance of insurance at this time.
Tips to find a good financial advisor
The financial advisor is a professional who engaged in financial economics, it helps a person, company, or organization to solve some financial problems. In addition, the financial advisor is also responsible for providing education about financial matters such as insurance, investment, savings, taxes, retirement, and demand from the clients themselves. There will be many financial advisors that we can choose at the moment, but you find it with difficulty if you don’t have experience. So, today we will give you a few simple tips to choose a good financial advisor :
- Understanding the type of financial advisor
You need to know if there are several types of the financial advisor in the world and the tasks of each type also different. Therefore, you should pay attention to several types of financial advisor so you can get a good financial advisor. In general, the financial advisor divided into several types. There is a financial advsior who only offfers financial planning service, some also only offers investment management service and some offers for a pension fund. Each type of financial advisor offer different services.
To find a good and appropriate services, you should understand the difference between other types of financial advisors. You must understand what differences are and also know the services that they have to offer you. Basically, the financial advisor service is available in three services :
- Financial Planner
The first type of services is a financial planner, which focuses on all your financial aspects. For example, what types of savings is good for your finance. And what kind of insurance is suitable for your finance.
- Investment Advisor
The investment advisor is one of the types of service that focuses on the role of the investment arrangements. For example, what kind of investment that you need, or the right type of investment if run together with the financial planning process.
- Pension Fund Income Planner
Pension Fund Income Planner focuses on helping you achieve the goal of providing life-long retiree funds. Besides, that it helps to coordinate money for tax, investment, and social security for retirees.
- Look for a financial advisor that reliable
If you want you’re financial managed properly and in accordance with your goals, of course you have to choose a professional financial advisor. The second tips after understanding the type of financial advisor is have to look for financial advisor that already trusted and reputable. Don’t trust a financial advisor who may only give sweet promises and don’t believe with financial advisors who offer low prices and below average if there’s no testimonial. If you want a good financial advisor, then look at their title. Trusted and professionals financial advisor usually, have a CPF® or PFS title. For investment financial advisor, they have CFA® title. And for financial advisor especially for pension fund income planner usually have an RMA or RCIP title. If financial advisor already has a title that we mentioned above, they must be a professional financial advisor, because after they get e degree they must also have to defend the education degree that they have obtained by fulfilling ethical policies and also fulfilling predetermined requirements.
- Looking for a financial advisor that fit your needs
The next step you have to do to find a good financial advisor, of course is looking the financial advisor that suits with your needs. So before you choosing the financial advisor, we suggest that you must know your financial needs. For example, are you want to find a consultant to help your personal finances? Or maybe you need a financial advisor to find the right insurance for you? Or do you need to manage your pension fund? If you already know what your needs are, then you can find easily the financial advisor that suitable for your financial needs.
- Know the costs of a financial advisor
How to find a good financial advisor? The trick is to know the costs of the financial advisor that you will choose. Because every financial advisor set different rates. But usually, a trusted and professional financial advisor will certainly have an expensive budget. So before you choose the financial advisor, make sure that you know the costs you have to spend. For example an hourly fee, or perhaps the commision that you can give when the project goal is reached. That way you can compare a financial advisor to each other, and adjust it to your needs. And by knowing the cost, you can easily find out which good financial advisor and also in accordance with your budget.
- Ask your colleagues for experience
If you may not have experience with a financial advisor, we suggest that you must ask your business partners or your colleagues about it. Because if you don’t know what criteria are needed to find the right financial advisor, you might make a mistake. So, ask your colleagues first, what are criteria needed to find the right financial advisor? You also have to ask about which company can provide a good financial advisor for you, or perhaps ask about their financial advisor? By asking who are more experienced in finance, it will be easier for you to find the one that suits with your needs. So don’t be shy asking about other people’s experiences. So that it can help you to quickly find the right and experienced financial advisor.
- Compare financial advisor service with one another
There are so many steps that you have to know to get a good financial advisor. Because to find a financial advisor that fits with your need is not easy. We suggest, when you are looking for a financial advisor you should not just look for one, it’s better to look for a few at the time so you can compare them to each other. So if you don’t like with the financial advisor because the cost is too expensive, you can choose the alternative financial advisor that you have been looking for. And before you choose the financial advisor, we suggest that you must compare one to the other. Which financial advisor has a lot of experience and which also more professional? In this way, you can know which ones are good and what you want.
- Ask a few questions before you use their services
Before you decide to use their services properly, we recommend that you should ask them about the things you want to ask. So before you and they work together, you know what deal you would do. So before meeting them, it’s a good idea to make a list of questions. Try to make that questions lead to how financial advisors communicate, then concerns their field of expertise and also their competencies. But you must know the answer, try the questions which understood by yourself too.
Don’t let you ask questions that you don’t understand. It aims to establish whether the financial advisor that you choose is truly professional or not. In addition, you can also ask about the agreement, or about the financial advisor you want to know.
- Use the search engine to find financial advisors
Besides asking your colleagues about their experiences, you can also use a various serarcch engine or online sites to find the right financial advisor. Because nowadays, the era is already very sophisticated, so take advantage of existing technology. We will share some of the best search engine or online sites where you can find the financial advisor that rights for you. Here are some internation online sites that you can use to find the right financial advisor :
- Financial Planning Association
The first search engine is the Financial Planning Association. In this search engine, you can find many financial advisors that are categorized by area, the compensation method, and also from various income or minimum assets they have. In addition, the financial advisor in this search engine has a CFP® title that has experience because to get the title, they must take some exams and have a minimum of 3 years experiences. So, the financial advisor in Financial Planning Asociation is not a new financial advisor with no experience.
- Boomerater
Next is Boomerater, this search engine also has a long list of financial advisors and financial planner in various geographic areas. To find a trusted financial advisor, you can look from zip code. In addition, this boomrater also has many advantages, each financial advisor is equipped with photos and detailed information, making it easier for you to compare financial advisor with each other. At Boomrater you can also find many informative articles made by Boomerater advisors.
NAPFA (National Association of Personal Financial Advisor) is one of the best search engines for financial advisors. Different from the two search engines above that apply fee for their services. All members in NAPFA not charge fees for their services. By using NAPFA, you can enter the city where ypu live and also your country to find a list of free financial advisors that open practices around you. So for those, if you want to find a cheap or free financial advisor we suggest you to see it on the NAPFA website.
- Garret Planning Network
We also recommended you for use Garret Planning Network. To be able to find a financial advisor around you, you can enter your regional zip code to find the financial advisor near you. But in the Garret Planning Network, you can only find financial advisors who use the hourly fee system. But if you want to use sustainable financial advisor services and want them to know your financial growth, the Garret Planning Network is not suitable for you. So if you only want to use financial advisor briefly, then use the service.
- Look for financial advisors that are easy to contact
Of course, you all want financial advisors who are easy to contact you to discuss your financial matters. Therefore, we recommend that you must choose a financial advisor that easy to contact. So, when you want to ask questions or maybe want to give urgent information to your financial advisor it will take easy. Of course, you want to establish a cooperative relationship with responsive financial advisors and also easy to contact right? If your financial advisor easy to contact, of course it will make your work easier too.
There are nine important ways you must know about how to find a good financial advisor. The first you must understand the type of various financial advisor, look for a trusted financial advisor and also according to your needs. Then know the rates first. In addition, you can also ask your colleagues or maybe look for it through several search engine or online sites to find a financial advisor near you. By using financial advisor service, it will make it easier for us to manage our finances and also our investments. And then, their service also help to solve our financial related problems.
So don’t be lazy to get lots of information about financial advisor! The most important advice is to do a lot of searching and using other peoples experiences as a reference to find a good financial advisor. And last, you must ask people who have a lot of experience in finance because it can make easier for you. Hopefully, this article we provide can be useful for you, I hope you can find a good financial advisor after reading and implementing all of these articles. Good luck!