There are so many types of investments that you can do, one of which is real estate investment. As you know, real estate investment is one of the types of investment that presents a fairly high profit. Well, this time we will share about Real Estate investment with Crowdfunding. There may be some of you who already know about real estate investment but don’t know what is crowdfunding. On this occasion, we will invite you to get to know what crowdfunding is and after that, we will let you know a number of sites to invest in trusted and popular crowdfunding real estate so you can invest safely. This is information about Invest Through Real Estate Crowdfunding Sites:
What is crowdfunding?
Maybe there are still many of you who don’t know the term crowdfunding in the business world. Indeed this term is still relatively new, so some of you certainly don’t know for sure about crowdfunding. Therefore on this occasion, we will explain to you first about the term crowdfunding so that later when you enter crowdfunding real estate investment you will no longer be confused. Crowdfunding is a new type of method that is in the form of collecting funds from several individuals to be able to finance a new business or project. Usually, to get funding from each individual, the way is done online through social media and can also be done through several crowdfunding websites to bring together several entrepreneurs and also big investors.
Benefits of Crowdfunding
Before we introduce to you about several online sites about real estate crowdfunding investments we will first tell you about the benefits if we follow crowdfunding investments. The following are some benefits if you follow crowdfunding:
- Competitive interest rates
The first advantage that you can get if you follow crowdfunding investments is that they have competitive interest rates. Usually, several platforms from crowdfunding will provide interest rates ranging from 6.48% to 17% per year and the interest rate has a flat interest. What are flat properties? The flat interest is the interest they pay each year is the same.
- Not accompanied by payment or guarantee
Today there are many people who are investors in crowdfunding real estate investments because they feel they are made easy if they use this investment. In addition to having competitive interest rates as we said above, the second advantage of crowdfunding is that they give freedom to businesses to get capital without having to prepare a down payment or guarantee. While you, as an investor, are able to pay the amount provided, the project funding process will continue to run smoothly according to the agreement at the outset. So this will make it easier for you!
- Easy and safe process
There are so many benefits that you can get if you follow crowdfunding investment. The third benefit or advantage if you follow crowdfunding investment is the process which is practically easy because you already use online methods. How to register to crowdfund is easy and does not require a long time. In addition, many crowdfunding sites are safe and secure because they are accredited so you don’t need to be afraid if you register there.
Top 7 Real Estate Crowdfunding Sites
Now you know what is meant crowdfunding are, and find out what are the advantages of crowdfunding. Maybe after knowing the benefit, some of you feel interested to joining crowdfunding, especially in the Real Estate field because maybe that will benefit you. On this occasion, we will share important information with you about some of the best and most popular crowdfunding real estate sites in 2019 so you can invest in safe and profitable real estate crowdfunding. The following are some of the recommendations of popular crowdfunding real estate sites:
- Fundrise
The first real estate crowdfunding site which is one of the crowdfunding sites that is quite popular and also trusted is Fundrise. This crowdfunding site in real estate is one of the pioneers of online real estate crowdfunding sites via online. Fundrise was founded in 2010 and is one platform that offers users and investors the opportunity to benefit from real estate deals with just a few hundred dollars. To be able to join Fundrise as a user, it is required to make an initial investment of $ 500.
When you register yourself as an investor or user at Fundrise, you will later invest in one of the 3 core portfolio packages and a minimum beginner portfolio with a low price. Whatever portfolio you choose, the money you give will be invested in various allocations such as eFund and eREIT which consist of private real estate assets that have locations throughout the United States. Maybe you are asking, how do you receive payments or benefits from Fundrise? Fundrise will give payments to you in two ways, the first is quarterly dividend distribution and the second is appreciation of asset value at the end of your asset investment period.
- CrowdStreet
The second real estate crowdfunding site is CrowdStreet, this site is one of the largest and most diverse crowdfunding sites in the business and specializes in commercial real estate (CRE). Maybe you can immediately join CrowdStreet. Indeed, what are the benefits of joining CrowdStreet? If you join this online site, you will get the advantage that if partnering with CrowdStreet will allow speculators to collaborate specifically with mediators as opposed to placing themselves in the middle of all types of communication.
The source of CrowdStreet comes from transactions made by mediators and then they make it available on its website. If you want to join CrowdStreet for crowdfunding, there are a number of things you should pay attention to, clients are still required to pay the fees and wages charged by outside support and that change from one agreement to another. How, are you interested in joining CrowdStreet to invest?
- Mogul Reality
The third real estate crowdfunding site that you can make as a place or form to invest in real estate crowdfunding. This platform was founded in 2013 by Justin Hughes and Jilliene Helman. This Reality Mogul platform claims more than 130,000 sponsors, borrowers, and investors. And take it easy because the Mogul Reality is managed by people who have experience in the fields of investment, real estate, technology, and also finance. So you don’t need to worry if you want to join the Mogul Reality.
Before you join a real estate crowdfunding investment in Mogul Reality then we will provide some information in the form of some of the benefits that you can get if following the Mogul Reality is the first they have no accreditation needed, the second in the Mogul Reality is a lot of expansion which is lower than putting resources into individual property. And the third advantage is that the prerequisites for investing in Mogul Reality will be lower than private placements. Are you interested in joining crowdfunding real estate investments in Mogul Reality?
- Patch of Land
Lots of real estate crowdfunding investment sites that you can choose to make investments in addition to the ones we mentioned above. The next real estate crowdfunding investment site is the Patch of Land. Patch of Land itself is one of the sites that already have accreditation so that it is trusted and guaranteed. On this point, we can find crowdfunding real estate investments in various forms ranging from high-investment, short-term, asset-guarantees to real estate located in all parts of the United States.
The purpose of the establishment of the Patch of Land site is that they want to help solve personal loan problems in inefficient and fragmented real estate investments using technology and methods that are used efficiently so that they can guarantee real estate projects financed by investors including You. And this Patch of Land uses PoL which will be perfect for those of you who want to invest in short-term debt with large and profitable results. Are you interested in becoming an investor here?
- RealityShares
If you want to invest in real estate, then you should know some sites that offer real estate crowdfunding investments. The fifth online site that you should know if you want to invest in crowdfunding real estate is the online site RealityShares. This platform is one of the best quality platforms because they offer investors to have direct access to quality investment opportunities and to real estate operators to be able to increase capital. The mission of RealityShares is to connect the capital provided by investors with greater opportunities so that it will be profitable.
Lots of investors are satisfied after joining RealityShares because this one real estate crowdfunding investment online site presents many opportunities and also benefits for investors. RealityShares can see the potential in providing value and efficiency to investors and real estate operators through their expertise, technology, and data. How, are you interested in joining RealityShares to take part in real estate crowdfunding investments?
- Equity Multiple
The sixth online site that you can choose if you want to invest in real estate crowdfunding is Multiple Equity. Compared to other real estate crowdfunding investment sites, it might be arguable if this EquityMultiple is a site that is fairly new and is a newcomer. Equity Multiple websites offer investments in the form of debt and equity, which exclusively focuses on institutional commercial real estate. In addition, EquityMultiple also has a syndicated loan and they are also supported by several well-known national real estate advisory firms. If you want to join the online Equity Multiple websites then you must provide an investment of $ 5,000 for the fee structure. Are you interested in joining this Equity Multiple?
- Fund That Flip
If you want to start investing, we recommend that you try crowdfunding real estate. Besides the 6 online crowdfunding real estate sites that we have mentioned above, there are other online sites that offer various benefits for those of you who want to invest. The online site is called Fund That Flip, which is an investment site that is engaged in housing debt. In addition, the thing you need to know about Fund That Flip is the Fund That Flip has LTV or the lowest loan value of any platform. The difference between Fund That Flip and others is that they also credit cash to borrowers and then sell the loan to investors as profit or loss.
That was some crowdfunding real estate online site that you can choose if you want to invest in real estate. Some of the investment sites that we have just mentioned have moved internationally and have been trusted because most of them already have accreditation. Hopefully the article we provide this time can be useful and useful for all of you who want to invest!