General people think that housewives are not doing so much work, that idea needs to be revised. In fact, housewives have to do many tasks 24 hours. While they do not have the real salary like other, housewives can still make money by doing part-time job.
Looking for suitable part time jobs from home can be a daunting task. The job market has its ups and downs, and it’s not always easy to find a position that is suitable and understand the needs and clock of housewives. Thus, home based jobs can make a difference. Working from home gives you the freedom to choose the type of job, and at the same time avoid the hassles of commuting such as traffic and gas expenses. Herewith legitimate options for people who want to work from home on a part-time or occasional basis.
Data Entry
Speed, accuracy, typing skills, and a tolerance for what can be dull work are required for data entry positions. Data entry applicants must have a computer up to the employer’s specs as well. Companies hiring for data entry positions include SportDirect, which has an evenings and weekends gig inputting scores, as well as the tech startup Ibotta, and the healthcare diagnostic company Alere. The hourly rate from Payscale is $9.18 – $15.76
Research interviewer
The hourly Rate from Payscale is between $8.69 – $20.54.Here’s one of interest to people who like talking on the phone, and have a reliable phone connection and quiet workspace at home. Research interviewers help companies gauge customer experience and their interactions so they can improve their business.
Companies hiring research interviewers include industry giant Nielsen as well as Maritz CX which starts customer experience employees at their state minimum wage, then offers a .50 cent increase after 30 days of perfect (from home) attendance, with more raises at review times (2 months/6months/1 year) and offers paid time off.
The hourly rate from Payscale starts from $10.17 – $57.49. Writers with specialized knowledge can use their expertise to write columns, blog, and perform other regular work. One company hiring such writers is, which educates readers about more than 70,000 topics. In April 2016, About was hiring guides (writers with professional background or expertise in a subject) for celebrity gossip, dairy-free cooking, and Virginia Beach and Norfolk. Another is GoIfLink, which pays for articles about golf articles ($40 – 65+ per article).
Technical, grant, and curriculum writing, advertised on the education website Schmoop, calls for more experience and training. However, there’s also writing work out there for generalists with less experience and less specialized training.
Workers with accounting experience (and Quickbooks, and Microsoft Office products) can take it to the bank by helping clients or employers with payroll, accounts payable and receivable, monthly reporting, or closing at the end of the year. The hourly rate from Payscale is between $11.05 – $24.49.
Companies hiring bookkeepers include the specialized staffing services provider Robert Half, which is hiring a remote part-time bookkeeper for a telecommunications company paying $13.46 – $17 per hour. Another virtual employer in this category is the church accounting services provider MAG Bookkeeping, which was hiring a contracted remote part-time bookkeeper in April 2016.
No matter what kind of job you might be looking for, the internet has plenty of options for to consider. It may take a little time and effort to search for job opportunities, but it will all be worth it finally find the right one.