Managing finance is not easy, so that our finances are controlled well we must pay attenton to our income and daily expenses. Taking notes in a book or notes might be very troublesome because the ink might dade and the notes might disappear. But now, technology is increasing highly making it easier for us to manage our weekly or monthly financies using a variety financial applications. By using personal financial application, it will be easier to calculate your daily income and expenses. And can even help make you more thrifty. On this occasion, we will inform you all about the top personal finance app.
How to choose a personal finance app
The personal financial app is very important especially in this times, using financial applications can help us in managing our finances. Using the personal finance application also makes you easy to find out about financial developments. But there are so many people who choose the financial application wrongly that they can’t use the application properly. They finally recorded their finance manually, which is more risky. Are you one of them? If so, end now! This time we will provide information on how to choose the right and effective financial application :
- Know your financial needs
The first step you should know that you can find the right financial application is to know your financial needs in advance. For example, are you very wasful and want to save even more so you want to know in detail what your expenses are. Or you may often forget about bills so always late to pay and eventually get fined? Or do you need an application that significantly connected with your bank account? Or maybe you need an application that also provides a list of financial advisor services? By knowing your own financial needs, you can easily find the right application because each application has its own advantages.
- Read detailed information about the application before downloading it
The second step that you have to do in order to find the financial application that suits that you want is to read detailed information in the description box before you download it. Before you download application, we can read complete information about the details of the application and there must be features and advantages. By reading the detailed infromation, you can find out whether the financial application match your needs or not. So when you find a finance application don’t download it directly, but first read the full description of the application so you can use it well.
- Compare with other applications
It is very important to read detailed the application infromation before downloading the applications. By reading in detail what are the advantages and features of the application, you must compare the application with other applications, so you can also know the features and advantages of each financial application. You can decide which finance application to use because there are free app and there are also paid apps. Just decide which one suits your needs.
- Look for the references on the internet
If you are still confused you want to download the financial application because there might be too many choices. Or maybe you are still confused because you can’t compare the applications with each other? If you are still confused to determine which finance app you are going to use, we suggest that you look for the references on the internet. Because there are so many references to personal finance app that you can use as a reference, so you can find the right application. Lots of review articles about several finance app so that it can make easier for you to choose which application is right for you. If you want to find the best application, we will provide some recommendations in the next poin.
Best personal finance app
Now, financial management is an easy thing to do. We can download various types of financial applications on various platforms such as Windows, iOs, and Android. Various types of financial applications with complete tools can connect your account with a credit card or your bank account, or maybe connected with email can be found easily. All of the applications we will share are available on Android or iOs so you can use them on your gadgets. Here are some applications that you should know :
- Mint
First, the best financial application that you have to download is Mint. Mint is one of the most widely known and used financial applications, this application is becoming populae because it is easy to use and also has many tools. In addition, this applications will present your complete financial data in the image in one place. Mint makes it easier for you to keep an finances because you Mint account can be easily linked to your bank account or credit card. So that it will help you to access your bank account and credit card through this app.
Mint will show the transaction that you added, and Mint will also categorize how the monet you have spent in certain time space. In addition, by using Mint you can also add bills to pay utilities each month. Because you can add a schedule to pay for utilities every month you won’t forget when pay for it. You can also oversee investments by using this application. For example, if you have a bill that must be paid manually, you will receive a notification vie email or through a calendar on your mobile that has been connected to Mint application. You can access the Mint application on your gadget and you can also easily access it via PC.
- Personal capital
Aftrer sharing the very useful Mint financial application. The second application that you can use to manage your finances well is Personal capital. Personal capital is a personal finance application that can manage your finances that allows you to manage your income, manage assets and investments that you do every day. Just like with mint, the account that you created in Personal capital can also be connected directly with your bank account or credit card. This application is also integrated with more than 14,000 financial institutions around the world so you can link your account.
Not much different from Mint, in this application we can add income and expenses that we make every day. In addition, we make also optimize the investment that we will spend. One of the advantages of Personal capital that other applications may not have is Personal capital providing a list of trusted financial advisors who can help you to solve financial problems.
- Mobills
The next application that you can use to manage your financial easily is Mobills. Financial application named Mobills is a financial app that have complete tools. This applications categorizes the expenses that you make, so you can adjust the amount you make into the budget. Why does Mobills get the title as a financial application with the best visual? Because the income and expense that we put into this application will be processed into an attractive chart so that you can see your financial development every month and make you easier yo achieve financial goals that you want.
Same with the application that we have discussed above. By using Mobills personal finance application you can also add your bank account and credit card which can make easier for you to see the current balance and spending limit. One of the superior features of Mobills is that you can add a bill that you need to pay for a certain period of time. So when a due date a notification will appear. However, if you use a free account then you can only enjoy some features. If yiu want to enjoy all the features in this applicatoon, you can increase your account from free to premium account by paying a fee each month or maybe year.
- Wally
The fourth top personal finance app is Wally. Wally is the best financial application for tracking your expenses. If you are a person who likes to record your daily expenses regularly, we recomemend that you use the Wally app because you can use the Wally financial application for free. Instead of you recording expenses at the end of the day or the end of the week and making troublesome, you should just use Wally. Because this application will make it easier for you because you can take pictures of your receipt.
One of the advantages that Wally has not in other applications is that Wally is equipped with a geo-location feature on your device, making it easier for you to find infromation and save a few steps. The Wally application is very easy to use and also efficient. The Wally application reduces mistakes in your financial settings because they calculate expenses from a collection of photos of your receipt. It is suitable for those of you who hate typing and can also minimize errors. This application is totally free so you can use all features. What are you waiting for? Let’s download Wally on your favorite device!
- Prism
The next application that you can use to control your finance is Prism. Prism is the best personal finance application for bill payments. Prism can be said to be a vert good appearance because this app displays a complete picture o your finances growth in one account. In addition, this application also works with major banks to small utility companies. By using Prims, you can add your bills. And Prism will automatically note your bills and will send a notification or reminder to you according to the date stated so that it will make you easier to make payments and prevent you from late paying or forget to pay bills.
You can use prims to help enter the monthly bill payment schedule that you can make on the same day or several days in advance. You can ony use one account because Prims prevents the need yo log in using multiple accounts to pay your bills. If you feel that yo often forget to pay your bulls and feel this application is perfect for you, we suggest that you must download it immediately!
- Joy
Joy is one of the best personal finance applications that you can try to use. Joy is an finance app that focuses on financial control and your savings. After downloading the Joy app, you are required to create an account then you will also be asked to enter your expenses. In addition, one of the advantages of this applications is that you can connect your account with a bank account or credit card so you can control your finances more easily.
Uniquely, by using Joy you will be told to rate “happy” if ypu are satisfied with your financial development. Or “sad” if you feel your financial development has deteriorated. After giving such an assessment, you will be given guidance on dollars and cents so that you can improve your finances. In the Joy there are also a several financial articles available that can help you to know finances better.
- EveryDollar
Actually there are still many personal finance app, but we will not discuss all because we will only share the best. The last app that you can use to help control your finances well is EveryDollar. This financial application uses the zero-based budget recommended by a personal finance expert named Dave Ramsey. This application is called EveryDollar because it gives every dollar purpose in the budget. This application also allows your account to connect with your bank account so you can import the needed transactions according to your expenses.
There are so many advantages that you can get by using this applications. Because the EveryDollar also makes it easy for you to divide costs between several budget items. This financial apps will also show the amount of expenses that you have spent for a month and remaining amount of the remaining costs. Through this application ypu will also be connected with financial advisors who can help you when you have financial problems. So if you feel you need financial planning, then use the EveryDollar application!
That was some important information that we can share about the top personal finance app. Some of the applications that we mentioned above certainly have advantages and disadvantages of each. One application has different tools and ways of working with other applications, you only need to choose which one suits your financial needs. Hopefully, this article is useful for you!